Monday, April 25, 2011

A Weekend At Spa

No, no, not a weekend IN the spa, but a weekend AT Spa, that is, Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium.

World Series by Renault this weekend at my favorite European venue, the legendary Spa-Francorchamps, with my fav Alexander Rossi leading the championship by a wide margin.  Here's to a great weekend, Alex, and to the next American F1 star... the first since, what, Mario Andretti?  And he was born in Italy...

It's been a long time since the likes of Gurney, Phil Hill, and those guys were a force in the big leagues of motorsport.  No offense to Scott Speed, Eddie Cheever (oy), or Mario's boob-of-a-son Michael, but there actually seems to be TALENT in this youngun'.


--  Daddy

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