Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just a thought.

Well, here I am on the day after the one I called: "the really first day of spring" (please note today is April 27 of 2011... and I am here thinking... is a blessing to have, such a nice weather. (yes! finally!).

 And I really wanted to share a thought that originally came to me in Spanish, but here I translate for the enjoyment of the Anglo-masses. Why, do you ask?... Well, because of my hubby' last post. You'll see, talking about all this: "floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee" and how that was inappropriate but funny brought the though of a more appropriate analogy I encounter along the internet. And here I share.

" The road to happiness is not straight, there are curves called mistakes, there are stop lights named friends, and hazard lights called family. Everything is possible if you have a spare tire called decision, a potent motor named love, a great insurance named Faith, plenty of gas called patience but specially above it all, an expert driver named God."


 --Mrs.X ;)

ps. and a dancing jesus.



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