Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Sunny Morning and a Funny Thought

Hi all (yeah, "all" -- that's a lark.  I think I have ONE reader -- ME!)

It's a beautiful sunny morning today, and the drive through the countryside to work was one of rolling hills, farmland scenery, and SUNSHINE!  Which, trust me, we've been short of recently.

I found myself cracking up at a passing thought that entered my head as I neared the office today -- you see, I've been listening on occasion to the local K-LOVE affiliate, the Christian radio station, still trying to inject a little positivity into life.  There was a song on, not too bad, very much that stereotypical "Christian song"-type happy/inspiring chord progression, but the rhythm was in 6, so I was kind of into it.  Anyways, there's a part in the chorus in which the characteristics of Christ are being described, and this one line had a rhythm that was 2 strong quarter-dots, with a swallowed "a" followed by three strong quarters... then the second line was those same 2 strong quarter-dots followed by the swallowed "a", and a single strong ending note that was supposed to rhyme with a word ending in a long EE sound.

I guess that's kind of a long description, but in any case, the phrase "floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee" fits PERFECTLY into the chorus of the song.  And it made me laugh.  You know, this parise song describing the characteristics of Christ, and all I can think is "floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee."

Maybe a little blasphemous, but boy did it ever tweak my funny bone.

Anyhoo, there's the update for the morning.  Hopefully the day can continue to be bright, shiny, and funny.

-- Daddy

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